Konsumverhalten und Nachhaltigkeit/ consumer behaviour and sustainability



From May 6th to 8th, we collaborated with the MOK Offenbach to create a film exploring the environment and the consequences of our consumer behaviour. The project was an interdisciplinary approach, created in collaboration with political science (Powi). The project included visits to HMKW, the Nordwest Center, and the university, where we conducted interviews and gathered footage. One group visited the university and interviewed students about the emotions they experience when shopping. Another group visited the HMKW and experienced a sustainable waste-processing method that generates energy from waste. A third group went to the Nordwest Center and interviewed the center's management about their sales models. The class managed the entire production process, from directing and shooting to editing. The final film is now available to watch on mediathek-hessen.de. "The class enjoyed getting a behind-the-scenes look at a film production while gaining insights into the consumer behavior of Frankfurt communities.




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